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Skoltech Center for Stem Cell Research

Introducing an international collaboration

Knowledge is the foundation of innovation, economic progress and prosperity. No wonder that many countries invest in scientific research. But what if you want to set up an internationally competitive research environment from scratch? Some countries spend a lot of money to attract scientists to bring their knowledge and kick start a research environment. 

In Moscow they have a new strategy: involve the most prominent research institutes in the world to help with the building of specific research centers and the training of the people who will work there. Thus create a globally distributed campus and a collaborative research network between leading scientists. After training abroad you bring back students and Faculty to Russia to work in Research Centers at the newly constructed science city of Skolkovo.

Out of 129 proposals from scientific institutes all over the world, only a few were selected to join this unique programme. The very first that has been given the green light is The Skolkovo Center for Stem Cell Research, a collaboration between several Research Institutes in Russia, the Whitehead Institute in the United States, initiating partner ERIBA and the Hubrecht Institute in the Netherlands.

In stem cell biology it is now possible to reprogram normal cells into pluripotent cells, which can be manipulated for a variety of studies. The question the collaboration wants to address is: how to differentiate pluripotent cells into specific adult stem cell types?


Thanks to:<br />
The coworkers at Skoltech, the European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing, Hubrecht Institute, Whitehead Institute at MIT, Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics Novosibirsk and Skoltech.<br />
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With images from:<br />
MIT Media Production Services<br />
Institute of Cytology and Genetics Novosibirsk<br />
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Made by: Aline Idzerda and Jasmijn Snoijink, 2013<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing: Wouter Boes<br />
Music: Daan van West<br />
Graphic design: SproetS