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Full Moon

A super model for planetary research

Earth rise, the picture made by William Anders on the Apollo mission in 1968 changed the way we experience our planet for ever. Never before had we seen this marvellous blue marble planet against the pitch black of the universe. It made us wonder how this extraordinary planet came into existence. How did the earth form and evolve into an environment that supports life? To learn more about the evolution of the earth Wim van Westrenen, professor in Planetary Evolution at the VU University Amsterdam, ended up studying the moon.


Produced by&nbsp;Fast Facts<br />
With the support of VU University Amsterdam<br />
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Thanks to&nbsp;Maja Grcic, Aukje Schep, VU University Amsterdam<br />
With images from: NASA, ESA and Georges Meli&egrave;s<br />
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Made by: Jasmijn Snoijink 2013<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera, editing &amp; compositing: Jonathan Massey<br />
Music: Daan van West &amp; Jonathan Massey<br />
Graphic design: SproetS