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Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance in Europe

According to the World Health Organization ‘Antibiotic resistance is becoming a public health emergency of yet unknown proportions’. In the European Union, antimicrobial resistance, or AMR is responsible for some 25.000 deaths every year. Meanwhile, new forms of resistance continue to arise and spread, leaving clinicians with few weapons to bring infections under control. Yet despite the recognised need for new antibiotics, the reality is that only two new classes of antibiotics have been brought to the market in the last three decades.

COMBACTE is one of the projects of the IMI’s New Drugs 4 Bad Bugs (ND4BB) programme which tackles the scientific, regulatory, and economic challenges of developing new antibiotics to combat antibiotic resistance in Europe.

Also watch the long version of this video.


Produced by&nbsp;Fast Facts<br />
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Commissioned by&nbsp;COMBACTE<br />
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Thanks to&nbsp;Ron de Winter, Claudia Maissan, Sonja El Yandouzi, Arief Lalmohamed, Anneke Nijsse and other contributors at the Utrecht University Medical Centre; Elodie Pfender, University of Limoges; Am&eacute;rico Agostinho, Killian Jo&euml;lle and other contributors at the Geneva University Hospital.<br />
With images from: Utrecht University Medical Centre<br />
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Made by: Moira van Dijk and Jasmijn Snoijink 2014<br />
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In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing: Wouter Boes<br />
Music: Daan van West<br />
Voice-over: Claire-Marie Martis &ndash; Media-Darling<br />
Graphic design: SproetS