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Roots of the future

Mapping stem cells in early plant development

The last common ancestor in the evolution of plants and animals was a single-cell organism. This means that the step to multi-cellularity has been made twice: once in animals and once in plants. This includes the invention of stem cells. Dolf Weijers is biochemist and developmental biologist. He studies the first construction of stem cells in plant embryos.


Produced by Fast Facts
With the support of The Young Academy and Dolf Weijers


Thanks to Iris Koopmans, The Young Academy Office, Willy van den Berg, Bert De Rybel, Alejandra Freire Rios, Cristina Llavata Peris, Barbara Möller, Joakim Palovaara, Shunsuke Saiga, Jos Wendrich and Saiko Yoshida of Wageningen University and Research centre


Made by: Jasmijn Snoijink 2012

In cooperation with
Camera and editing: Wouter Boes

Music: Daan van West
Graphic design: SproetS