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KIEM: collaboration between science and SME

Purifying water with waste

Using waste materials for a product to purify water? That should be a hole in the market! The commercialization of science into a product is tricky, noted Leo Jenneskens, professor of Physical Organic Chemistry from Utrecht University and Virginie Heidweiller, director of SME Geochem Research. A step that requires financial resources. That's what the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research offers with KIEM.

KIEM stands for Knowledge Innovation Mapping. This form of financing is part of the NWO New Chemical Innovations Fund, and is a result of the government policy on top sectors. KIEM, designed especially for innovation in SMEs, is accessible and encourages public-private partnerships. One fifth of the research money comes from companies, NWO adds the rest. SME's can innovate with the results and scientists can learn from practice.


<p><span>Produced by Fast Facts w</span>ith the support of NWO.<br />
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Thanks to&nbsp;Geochem Research B.V.,&nbsp;Utrecht University and&nbsp;Waternet.<br />
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Made by&nbsp;Aline Idzerda 2013<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing:&nbsp;Jonathan Massey/Persistent Vision<br />
Music &amp; sound design:&nbsp;Daan van West<br />
Graphic design:&nbsp;SproetS</p>