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Learning to adapt

A better life with autisme

Even though we think we are pretty adventurous, in everyday life we like to stick to familiar habits. We use the same brand of toothpaste and are irritated when the layout of our super market changes. People with autism can not handle too much change, they become overexcited more easily and can not adapt properly. Neuropsychologist Hilde Geurts studies autism.

This video is only available in Dutch.


Produced by Fast Facts<br />
Commissioned by The Young Academy<br />
<br />
Thanks to the University of Amsterdam, Dutch Autism &amp; ADHD research center d&#39;Arc, Marieke de Vries, Barbara van Heijst, Cedric Koolschijn, Marieke Kuiper and Hyke Tamminga<br />
With images from: Braingame Brian,<br />
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Made by: Moira van Dijk 2014<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing: Wouter Boes<br />
Music: Daan van West<br />
Graphic design: SproetS<br />