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Fragile viruses

What makes a virus strong?

Simple and effective: viruses are just a small amount of DNA with a protective shell around them. What makes them so strong and viable? And can we learn from their properties and apply them in new ways? Biophysicist Gijs Wuite puts viruses to the test to find out how they are put together.


<p>Produced by Fast Facts<br />
With the support of The Young Academy and Gijs Wuite</p>
<p>Thanks to Iris Koopmans, The Young Academy Office, Sandrijn van Roemburg-Rijven, Wouter Roos, VU University Amsterdam</p>
<p>Made by: Moira van Dijk 2011<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing: John Treffer<br />
Music: Daan van West<br />
Graphic design: SproetS</p>