Science in the public domain

By collaborating with media partners and social organizations, Fast Facts uses diverse platforms to draw the attention of different audiences to the relevance of scientific research . The videos are published under a Creative Commons license and may be shared and published using the specific links and embedded codes. Fast Facts provides a better understanding of the world around us, gives nuanced accounts of the public debate and strengthens public support for scientific research.

Structural partners
Structurally, Fast Facts collaborates with the Young Academy and the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences. Scientists looking for a research website can contact Websites for Scientists.

Project partners

Different scientific and social organizations and media partners are involved in each project. Fast Facts works in cooperation with the National Network of Female Professors (LNVH), the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), Science Centre NEMO, W24, esta magazine and the daily newspaper De Volkskrant.